St. Mary School offers an Extended Care Program before and after school for students in all grades. The program is structured and promotes a family atmosphere in a positive environment. Providing time for outside play, snacks, board games, movies and crafts, the program also includes after-school homework time for Grades 3-8. Since this is an Extended Care Program, students must have attended the regular school day to attend.

The program is available on days when school is in session and runs before school from 6:45 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and from the time of dismissal after school to 6:00 p.m.

If parents know in advance that their child needs after-school care, they may contact the office so staff can notify the teacher, and the child will go directly to Extended Care after school is dismissed. If a child is not picked up by 15 minutes after school is dismissed, a teacher will walk the child to and enroll the child in Extended Care where the parents will pick up.


Drop-In: Families can use the program on a drop-in basis as needed and pay an hourly rate per child. Fees are billed monthly by the 5th of the month, payable by the 15th of the same month.

Monthly: A monthly program is also available for families who need extended care on a regular basis. The monthly plan payments begin September 1 and continue through May 1. Payment is calculated on nine equal monthly payments based on 180 days per school year. Payments are due by the 10th of the month.

Registration Fee: A $25 annual fee per family is assessed the first time extended care is used during the school year. If extended care is not used, no fee will be assessed.


Before- and after-school care                     $400 per month/per child

After-school care only                                  $350 per month/per child

Late pick-up fee                                             $1 per minute/per child after 6 p.m.

Late payment fee                                          $25 (applied to payments more than 15 days past due)

*Please note: These are set monthly fees regardless of how many hours and days the service is used.


Drop-In (for students not on the monthly plan)

Before or after school                                  $7 per hour/per child

Late pick-up fee                                             $1 per minute/per child after 6 p.m.

Late payment fee                                          $25 (applied to payments more than 15 days past due)